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Now Booking 2024!
Allan can't wait to get back on the road! If you'd like to book him for a show- solo, one man band or with the Lost Souls- hit the contact button above and let him know! He's available and willing for just about any type of show- backyard BBQ, house concerts, Weddings, Divorces, Baby showers...and of course your favorite breweries or others!
Click HERE to check the schedule!
Current News
Allan is headed home!!
Friday Sept 6- the Back Home Festival
where it all began!
I hope to see some old friends, its been too long!!
Please visit Allan's Social Media Pages!!
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YouTube Channel
Home: Music

On the Backroads With Allan Dale Sizemore
Come on and let's go for a ride on the backroads! Hear what Allan thinks about, well, just about everything. He ain't shy! Hopefully you'll hear some things that you ain't heard before, or at least in a new way...videos behind the scenes of whatever happens to be happening! Stories about songs. Just whatever comes to mind. Glad you're here, hope you stay a while.
Home: About

I look for friends I used to know but they all have hollow eyes
except the ones already buried with their eyes unto the sky
Home: Quote

Home: Contact
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